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Career Potential

Career Potential

You can truly make a career at Marquette Savings Bank. The proof is in our statistics.

  • 43% of our workforce has at least 10 years of service.
  • 20% of our workforce has worked here 20 years or more with us.

The support our employees need to be successful is found in every team member, the management team right up to our board of directors.

Marquette rewards the people who share our collective drive for excellence with opportunities to advance in their careers. Our Mpower™ My Success programs provides a self-learn platform for employees to become proficient within their own area of career interest as-well-as improving their proficiency for the requirements of their position.

These are among the reasons why our average annual turnover rate is just 6% (including retirements) annually and why Marquette Savings Bank is consistently ranked among the Top 100 Places to Work in Pennsylvania (2020, 2019, 2018 and 2017) and one of the Best Banks to Work For in the nation (2020, 2019, and 2018)."

Marquette is an Equal Opportunity Employer. 

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