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Current Scams - 11-2024 Archive

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Don’t let scammers get in the way of your holiday shopping

Gema de las Heras Consumer Education Specialist, FTC
Monday Nov 25th, 2024

As the holiday season approaches, it seems like there are more and more fake shopping sites. The ads on social media show expensive products like electric scooters, designer bags, and other popular toys and gifts at unbelievably low prices. Many of these bogus sites use photos and logos the scammers steal from legitimate businesses, but they won’t send you authentic products. If you’re wondering how to avoid these phony offers, there are a few ways to help you detect them.

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Avoid scams during Medicare’s Open Enrollment Period

Kira Krown Consumer Education Specialist
Monday Nov 18th, 2024

Looking to make changes to your Medicare coverage? Now’s the time: Medicare’s Open Enrollment Period started October 15 and goes until December 7. But as you compare your coverage options, keep an eye out for scammers — they know about Open Enrollment, too.

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