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Current Scams - 03-2020 Archive

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Spot the Scam

Tuesday Mar 24th, 2020

There are many scams happening, the Federal Trade Commission's Consumer Information created BINGO cards to help you identify the scam. Click above to read more!

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Scammers Pretending to be FDIC

Friday Mar 20th, 2020

Scammers are pretending to be the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) with fraudulent use of the FDIC name. Read this article directly from the FDIC for more information. 

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Checks from the Government

Wednesday Mar 18th, 2020

The Federal Trade Commission Consumer Information (FTC) wanted to make everyone aware of scams surrounding possible checks from the government. Click the above image to read exactly what the FTC recommends. 

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Money Mule Scam

Thursday Mar 5th, 2020

Money Mule Scams are happening everyday. Learn what a Money Mule Scam is from the ABA Foundation and the Federal Trade Commission, and what they suggest you do if you spot this scam. 

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